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Alumni contribute new ping pong paddles to UMass Chan

Date Posted: Thursday, June 13, 2024
By: Sophie Bergmann
Students playing ping pong in Student Lounge.
First-year medical students Christos Meimeteas, left, and Danny Aljamal play ping pong using new paddles donated by alumni.

When Jürgen Holleck, MD’99, R’02, and Walter Mutter, MD’99, returned to the UMass Chan campus for Reunion 2024 in May, for old times’ sake, they visited the Student Lounge, where they used to play ping pong to unwind after long days of studying. While there, they played a few rounds, with Dr. Holleck winning 3-2—a reversal of their usual outcome during their school years, jokes Dr. Mutter.

During their game, Dr. Holleck, a hospitalist for the Department of Veterans Affairs and assistant professor of medicine at Yale School of Medicine, and Dr. Mutter, chief of nephrology at Newton-Wellesley Hospital, noticed that the paddles were in poor condition. Motivated to improve the experience for current students, they donated new paddles. 

“We want to make sure current students can enjoy the same recreational activity we had years ago,” said Dr. Mutter, referring to updated equipment.
