Student Trustee Election 2025-2026
The Student Trustee is our campus student representative to the University of Massachusetts Board of Trustees (BOT). The Student Trustee serves as a BOT voting member (note: voting status changes year to year between the UMass campuses), providing student representation for our campus. In addition, the Student Trustee is a member of the all-schools Student Government Alliance (SGA) and is invited to participate in a number of campus-governing committees to provide student input. View the roles and responsibilities of the position here.
Eligibility Requirements: The Student Trustee must be a fulltime enrolled degree-seeking student (Morningside Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences student candidates should be in their 2nd year or beyond).
Nomination and Election Guidelines:
- The nomination process outlines how each candidate may make a statement about his/her goals and intentions if elected
- Campaigning is not allowed. This includes, but is not limited to:
- The UMass Chan email distribution lists may not be used to campaign
- Curricular/classroom time may not be used to campaign
- There should be no money spent to campaign
Applicants or nominators must provide brief answers to the following items:
- Their background and interest in the role
- Their top 3 goals for the position
- Previous experiences that you feel have prepared you for the student trustee role
- How will you effectively represent the UMass Chan student body in this role
Ideal student trustee nominees should speak to previous experiences which would potentially make them successful in this role. Examples include:
- Planning, organizing and implementing student events
- Collaborating with campus administrators
- Discussing student issues with campus stakeholders
- Excellent written and oral communication skills
- Timely and responsive communication skills
- Effective time management skills
- Advocacy efforts on behalf of students
The successful student trustee candidate must also be available to facilitate monthly one hour SGA meetings, as well as monthly one on ones with the SGA advisor and regular meetings with the Chancellor, Provost, and Board of Trustees.
The timeline for the election is as follows:
March 19-30: Nominations submitted
March 31-April 7: Voting open
May 1: Candidate is announced
May 15: Chancellor submits selection to Board of Trustees
Month of July: Board Orientation, Swearing in at State House
Nominees: Please know your responses will be included on the election page and serve as your public platform to the UMass Chan student body.
Questions? Contact the Student Government Alliance at
Pursuant to the authority vested in the Board of Trustees under G.L.c.75, the following shall constitute the minimally required criteria and procedures for the election of a student trustee by the undergraduate and graduate students of each campus of the University of Massachusetts… [Doc. T91-133B, as amended, Passed by the BOT 2/5/92]