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Graduate Student Body Council (GSBC)

The Graduate Student Body Council (GSBC) is a group of elected students who serve as the voice of graduate students on campus. By serving on committees with faculty, we represent student interests and help in decision-making. An important goal of the GSBC is to keep graduate students informed about new policies regarding their thesis work.  We gain insight from students about changes they would like to see happen at UMass and work hard to implement these changes. One of our major goals is to further relationships between graduate students on campus, in addition to interprofessional relationships with both the medical and nursing students. The GSBC encourages fellow colleagues in their studies, hosting events for first year students during their core coursework. We offer social events throughout the year to foster friendships and support groups and hold local volunteer activities such as Working for Worcester and Habitat for Humanity. We also partner with the Career and Professional Development group and host events for students that help prepare them for their career path of interest.

GSBC meetings are held on the last Wednesday of every month at 5:30pm, email us for the Zoom link!

Keep updated with our discussions by following our Meeting Minutes.

Bylaws to the Student Body Committee Charter 4/16/2021


Your voice is important to us!  We are here for you, the student body.  If you have something that you would like the council to discuss, e-mail us at GSBC@umassmed.edu and let us know!​​​​​​​

2021-2022 Graduate Student Body Committee

Heather Learnard - Co-Presidents

Emily Agnello - Co-Presidents

Silvia Lee - Assembly

Emily Lowry – Assembly

Tasia Kellogg - Community Service

Judy Huang - Diversity and Inclusion

Sarah Cleveland - Diversity and Inclusion

Sabine Pallet - Student Life

Sarah Zvornicanin - Student Life

Crystal Shan - Career Development

Michelle Mosqueda - Career Development

Erica Katz - IT and Publicity

Aparna Sreeram - IT and Publicity

Lauren Intravia – First Year Representative

Ben Clayton – First Year Representative 

Lael Ngangmeni – CPHR Representative

Internal Sharepoint Site: https://umassmed.sharepoint.com/sites/gsbs/SitePages/Graduate-Student-Body-Committee.aspx