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Headshot of Dr. Ana Maldonado-Contreras


Dr. Ana Maldonado-Contreras featured on Voices Podcast!

iCAP faculty member and gut microbiome expert Ana Maldonado-Contreras, PhD, was featured on a recent episode of the Voices of UMass Chan podcast. 

Dr. Maldonado-Contreras is an Assistant Professor of Microbiology & Physiological Systems. She, along with Dr. Heidi Leftwich, Associate professor of Obstetrics & Gynecology, discuss:

  • The importance of gut bacteria in immune system function and the development of a healthy microbiome in newborns
  • Research into how SARS-CoV-2 infection impacts people who are pregnant and breastfeeding

  • The role of the microbiome in diseases that have a genetic component

  • Details on how gut bacteria help provide signals for the immune system, regulate inflammation, and impact health in adults and children, including during pregnancy

  • Research on how food and drinks can manipulate the gut microbiome

 listen here