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Changes to the Federal Code of Regulations for the Protection of Human Subjects (45 CFR 46) took effect on January 21, 2019. View changes below

Full Set of Summaries 

01:  Bare Essentials  
       Click here to download in word.docx

02:  Who What When Where Why How
       Click here to download in word.docx

03:  Informed Consent
       Click here to download in word.docx

04:  For Federally Funded
       Click here to download in word.docx

05:  Exemptions and Waivers 
       Click here to download in word.docx

06:  Expedited Review 
       Click here to download in word.docx

07:  Key Definitions 
       Click here to download in word.docx

08:  What is yet to come from the Federal Government
       Click here to download in word.docx

09:  Transition Table 
       Click here to download in word.docx

10:  Annual Reminder Investigator Obligations 
       Click here to download in word.docx

11:  Designated Review and Committee Review 
       Click here to download in word.docx

12:  Broad Consent 
       Click here to download in word.docx