Reunion Class Gift Campaign 2020
In keeping with what has become a distinguished tradition of generosity—and in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, which canceled in-person UMMS reunion celebrations in 2020—the UMMS School of Medicine Classes of 1975, 1980, 1985, 1990, 1995, 2000 (virtual reunion pictured above), 2005, 2010 and 2015 collectively donated more than $326,000 for financial aid and to support other needs throughout UMass Chan Medical School. In doing so, these reunion classes added to their existing class scholarships.
This year's 5th reunion class, the Class of 2015, created a current-use scholarship. The Class of 1975 endowed a new scholarship in memory of classmate Susan H. Hou, MD.
Reunion Class Gift Award - Class of 2000
Recognizes the generosity of the class that contributes more than any other during the reunion class gift campaign.
Reunion Participation Award - Class of 1975
Recognizes the class with the highest participation during the reunion class gift campaign.
Class of 1975

2020 Reunion Participation Award
Total Giving: $83,750, Participation: 52.6%
Gift Chair: Jennifer H. Caskey, MD
Class of 1980

Total Giving: $83,225
Gift Chair: John T. Szymanski, MD
Class of 1985

Total Giving: $19,150
Gift Chair: Clifford J. Behmer, MD
Class of 1990

Total Giving: $13,270
Gift Chair: Craig N. van Roekens, MD, MPH
Class of 1995

Total Giving: $9,162
Class of 2000

2020 Reunion Class Gift Award
Total Giving: $104,553
Gift Chairs: Lucy Y. Chie, MD, and Jeremi M. Carswell, MD
Class of 2005

Total Giving: $5,523
Class of 2010

Total Giving: $6,260
Gift Chair: Timothy J. Lin, MD
Class of 2015

Total Giving: $1,420
Gift Chair: Matthew Sloan, MD