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Welcome to the UMass Chan Transgenic Animal Modeling Core

Mission Statement

intropicThe mission of the Transgenic Animal Modeling Core (TAMC) is to produce genetically modified mice, rats, and stem cells for the UMass Chan Scientific Community in a timely and cost-efficient manner. Over the past 15 years, the TAMC has engineered more than 500 different mouse or rat models, has generated dozens of genetically altered ES cell or induced pluripotent stem cell lines, and has cryopreserved re-derived more than 450 rodent lines for UMASS researchers and other members of the scientific community.  The TAMC is composed of two facilities: the Animal Modeling Facility and the Gene Targeting & Stem Cell Facility.


Funding for the TAMC is provided by UMass Chan and by individual Investigators' user fees. Acknowledgment in pertinent manuscripts of assistance provided by the UMass Chan Transgenic Animal Modeling Core is greatly appreciated and helps to ensure continual Core funding.

Institute Animal Care and Use Committee Approval

Transgenic Animal ModelingInvestigators must have approval of the UMass Chan Institute Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) and Institute Biosafety Committee (IBC) before the Core can undertake generation of genetically altered mice or rats. Relevant IACUC and IBC docket numbers must be provided with the service agreement. UMass Chan Investigators using the TAMC to generate animals do not need to describe the requisite experimental procedures in their own protocols, as the Core’s IACUC docket (A-619) covers these procedures (see approval letter).  Please contact the UMass Chan IACUC and UMass Chan IBC to procure docket numbers, and the UMass Chan Department of Animal Medicine to arrange for necessary vivarium space and husbandry of animals generated by the TAMC.