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PRACCTIS is an NCI-funded training program for pre-doctoral and postdoctoral trainees. It is designed to train the next generation of scientists to conduct research that addresses critical cancer  prevention, effective health communication, control and care delivery issues across the cancer continuum, including primary prevention, cancer screening, diagnosis, treatment and survivorship.

UMass Chan Medical School is the lead institution. Partnering institutions include UMass-Baystate Institute for Healthcare Delivery and Population Research, UMass Boston College of Nursing and Health Sciences, Worcester Polytechnic Institute Healthcare Delivery Institute, and the Veterans Health Administration Center for Healthcare Organization and Implementation Research. 

Directors' Message

Welcome to PRACCTIS, a training program funded by the National Cancer Institute for pre-doctoral students and postdoctoral fellows. The program goal is to train future leaders in cancer prevention and control research. We are confident that our program’s mentored research opportunities will provide the foundation for the next generation of researchers to develop solutions that reduce the burden of cancer at the local, national, and international levels. Following completion of the program, PRACCTIS trainees will be equipped with the diverse skills necessary to identify and evaluate new and effective ways to integrate scientific evidence into practice. We are excited to continue the work of mentoring and training, and we hope you will be a part of the experience.

Stephenie C. Lemon, Ph.D., and Judith K. Ockene, Ph.D., M.Ed., PRACCTIS Directors