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About Well-being group

About Us

Physician heal thyself - that doesn’t always work out so well.

We all could use help at some time, but we can be notoriously slow to seek it.

This website is dedicated to helping our physicians find confidential direction when they are dealing with emotional or mental health issues. Physician stress and burnout are continuing to rise nationally.  Reliable, specialized, and accessible support, counseling, and psychiatric services remain hard to come by. 

This website is a shared effort by staff from Graduate Medical Education (GME), the UMMMC Medical Staff, the Employee Assistance Program, and the House Office Counseling Service, to provide basic information to physicians and their concerned colleagues regarding our local resources as well as self assessment and self help information. It’s designed to be easy, not comprehensive, with the simple goal of helping busy physicians start to connect to care. This site was developed with support from our risk management program as there is a link between physician well being and our capacity to care for patients. We know you deeply care about patients and patient care... and sustaining that all starts with your well-being. 

All physicians of the clinical system and medical school are welcome to use the employee assistance program, offering many types of help and one that is relatively underutilized by physicians working here. GME residents and fellows may access Tend Health.