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Efficacy And Safety Of Ruxolitinib Cream For The Treatment Of Vitiligo

Results of a 24-Week, Randomized, Double-Blind, Dose-Ranging, Vehicle-Controlled Study

AUTHORS: David Rosmarin, MD, Amit G. Pandya, MD, Mark Lebwohl, MD, Pearl Grimes, MD, Iltefat Hamzavi, MD, Alice B. Gottlieb, MD, PhD, Kathleen Butler, MD, Fiona Kuo, PhD, Michael D. Howell, PhD, Kang Sun, PhD, John E. Harris, MD, PhD


Outstanding results of the first large, randomized clinical trial to test a treatment for vitiligo. It was reported that the JAK inhibitors tofacitinib and ruxolitinib were effective treatments in a small number of patients with vitiligo. The rationale for using these treatments was based on the cytokine signaling pathways responsible for driving vitiligo.

These inhibitors were used both orally and topically in a few patients, and Incyte was the first company to initiate a clinical trial in vitiligo to test these treatments formally. 139 out of 157 participants completed this portion of the study, and these included an equal representation of men and women. Participants were well represented from the medium skin tones, but those with very light skin and very dark skin were under-represented...