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Meet Our Residents

Department of Urology Residents 2024-2025



Greg Kunkel, MD

Chief Resident

Greg is a native from Allentown, Pennsylvania.  He went to Drexel University for college and medical school.  Greg loves pizza and is always looking for the best pizza place in town.  Greg loves to hike, row, and play soccer.  He loves the Christmas spirit and can often be found singing Christmas music in July.  Greg is a father to a beautiful baby girl which he loves spending time with.  


Chad Heflick, MD

Chad is from Yakima, Washington, the largest producing hops county in the country.  Chad attended Washington State University for undergrad and medical school and is a huge WSU cougar fan.  He has recently gotten into food and trying out new restaurants, he has developed a keen sense for writing Yelp reviews.  In his free time, he enjoys exploring New England and drinking craft beer - his current favorite is Elysian Pumpkin Beer. 



Cynthia Tan, MD

Cynthia is from Old Lyme, Connecticut, was born in China, and grew up in Canada.  Cynthia went to Dartmouth for college and UConn for Medical School.  She enjoys hiking, sleeping, and watching reality TV.  Cynthia loves all types of fruits, snacks, and a good coffee in the morning.  She is an avid traveler that enjoys a good adventure with her friends. 



Daniela Diaz Rubayo, MD

PGY 3 

Daniela was born and raised in Puerto Rico.  Daniela moved to Massachusetts for residency, and she loves it here - summer being her favorite season.  She enjoys traveling and getting to know different countries and cultures but would not trade going home to the beach for anything in the world.  She loves exercising and will always say yes to a coffee or a good glass of wine. 




Tracy Cherian, MD


Tracy is from Nashville, TN.  In her free time, she likes trying new restaurants, going on hikes, and traveling with her friends.  She prefers an afternoon tea and sleep to a morning coffee, but she's open to residency changing her.  




Orleiquis Guerra, MD


Orly was born in Cuba, and raised in Miami FL.  He was a prior Flight Surgeon in the Navy before joining our team.  Orly's hobbies include swimming, chess, and DIY home projects.  His favorite food is sushi, loves a good cup of coffee and occasionally a glass of bourbon.  In his free time, he enjoys spending time with his family and playing fetch with his dog, Athena. 

Cairo Stanislaus, MD


Cairo is from West Orange, New Jersey.  She went to UMass Amherst for undergrad and attended Hackensack Meridian for medical school.  She enjoys weightlifting, making charcuterie boards, and spending time with her siblings.  Her favorite food is salami and her favorite type of coffee is caramel latte. 

Elisa Rocha, MD


Elisa is from Wellesley, MA, but also grew up in Salt Lake City, Utah and Brazil.  She went to college at the University of Southern California for both her undergraduate and masters degree in Global Health.  She went to medical school at UMass Chan and is very excited to stay for residency.  She enjoys traveling, hiking, reading, and baking.  She also loves trying new things and spending time with her two dogs.  

Newly Matched Residents!!

Krista Brackman

University of Wisconsin

Kulsoom Durrani

Penn State





Matthew Chabot, MD

Fellowship in Men's Health and Andrology - Henry Ford Health


Christine Van Horn, MD, MS

Fellowship in Endourology and Laparoscopic/Robotic Surgery - Loyola Medicine


Glenn Dunne, MD

Private Practice - Stormont Vail Health, Topeka, KS


Rachel Engelberg, MD

Fellowship in Sexual Health, Prosthetics, and GU Reconstruction - Urology Centers of Alabama


Scott Greenberg, MD

SUO Fellowship at UC San Francisco


TJ Calvert, MD

Private Practice - Adventist Health, Bakersfield