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Public Service

The Center has been providing tobacco treatment training and technical assistance to health care providers across the state since the inception of the Massachusetts Tobacco Cessation and Prevention Program in 1993.

 Massachusetts Tobacco Cessation & Prevention Program

The Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MDPH) Funded Technical Assistance and Training for Massachusetts Smoking Cessation Efforts contract with the Massachusetts Tobacco Cessation & Prevention Program provides free technical assistance and training to Massachusetts health systems, including large practices, health centers, behavioral health facilities, and hospitals, to support these organizations in meeting Meaningful Use requirements, Patient-Centered Medical Home requirements, and/or Joint Commission standards. In addition, health systems that wish simply to improve their existing tobacco programs are also eligible for assistance.

CTTRT aids health systems by implementing sustainable tobacco interventions consistent with the Public Health Service Guidelines Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence Update, 2008. This federal guideline recommends, among others, documentation of tobacco use status and treatment, consistent delivery of brief interventions, and provider feedback on their performance. Download a more complete description of these services here.

Additional projects and initiatives:

  1. QuitWorks Training and Technical Assistance — QuitWorks is a DPH- sponsored referral program that links providers and their patients with the Massachusetts smokers helpline. Center staff serves on the planning group for QuitWorks and provides training to organizations across the state for implementation of the program. Information on QuitWorks can be found at

  2. Promotion of the MassHealth and Commonwealth Care Tobacco Cessation BenefitsBeginning July 1st, 2012, Commonwealth Care implemented a tobacco cessation benefit similar to the MassHealth benefit that has been in effect since 2006. The Center has been instrumental in distributing this information to Massachusetts providers, and providing technical assistance to organizations on the implementation of this benefit. A fact sheet on these benefits can be ordered or downloaded at

Examples of past projects:

  1. Ready, Set, Quit Campaigns - Community-based Programs — in partnership with MDPH, community health and social service agencies and local media, residents in selected cities are encouraged to call the quit line to receive 2-weeks of free nicotine patches.

  2. Community Health Center Systems Change Grants - The Center provides technical assistance to community health centers that have been awarded DPH grants to improve systems related to tobacco intervention. Nineteen Massachusetts community health centers received these grants in FY '08.

Multi-State Collaborative for Health Systems Change 

Collaborative of organizations and individuals working within states and nationally to support changes in healthcare systems to reduce tobacco use. CTTRT staff have served on the steering committee and supported the collaborative work since it’s inception in 2007.


Center staff members were among the founding members of The Association for the Treatment of Tobacco Use and Dependence (ATTUD), a professional group dedicated to supporting tobacco treatment providers. Staff continues to provide leadership to ATTUD as it works towards the establishment of a national TTS certification process. Go to for more information.

Smoke-Free Campus Initiative

Center staff was instrumental in guiding the process for UMass Chan Medical School and the UMass Memorial Health Care system to go tobacco-free on all campuses, which took place on May 27, 2008. This effort includes a full time Tobacco Treatment Specialist in the clinical system to provide tobacco treatment services to in-patients and employees.

American Academy of Pediatrics Center for Child Health Research Tobacco Consortium

The consortium translates tobacco prevention and treatment research into practice-based interventions for children and adolescents. The Center's Director, Dr. Pbert, serves as a founding member.

Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco (SRNT)

Dr. Hayes is an active member of the special interest group addressing health care disparities.

Council for Tobacco Treatment Training Programs

Dr. Ockene served on the inaugural board of commissioners for the certifying body for tobacco treatment specialist training programs.