CTTRT Staff Attend UmassMed Health Fair at Massachusetts State House
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
UMass Chan Medical School held its annual Health Fair for State House employees on November 21st. Flu vaccines, blood pressure readings, and BMI checks were provided to attendees. CTTRT staff answered questions and provided materials about the dangers of vaping and tobacco use.
Karen Del’Olio and Dean Flotte speaking with Representative James O’Day.
CTTRT Staff at the UMassMed Health Fair
Representatives from the UMass Center for Tobacco Treatment Research and Training (CTTRT) attended this past year’s State House Health Fair. We provided materials on the dangers of e-cigarettes and the youth vaping epidemic in Massachusetts. We also distributed information about youth cessation services offered in Massachusetts.

Caroline Cranos and Karen Del'Olio

Health Fair Poster on Healthy Behavior including Vaping Cessation and Eating Healthy
When is the next State House Health Fair?
Members from the UMass CTTRT will be at the next Massachusetts State House Health Fair in 2020. New resources coming out soon on vaping cessation initiative for Massachusetts schools will be shared at the Health Fair.