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Earth Week 2021

For the second year, University of Massachusetts campuses and the UMass Online consortium are offering a week of virtual events to celebrate Earth Day and promote sustainable practices.

“It’s a wide-ranging lineup of events, from serious science to some sustainability fun,” said Michelle Smith, energy and sustainability engineer at UMass Chan Medical School. “There’s something for everyone to learn about protecting our planet.”

Energy-Saving Kits now available through National Grid pop-up shop!

To help people reduce energy consumption at home, the UMass system is partnering with Nation Grid to offer special discounts on long-lasting ENERGY STAR® LED bulbs and light fixtures. The sale is on now and runs through May 3, 2021. All items purchased will ship for free. See what’s available here:

Earth Week 2021 includes several documentary screenings, expert panel discussions, a meditation event, a sustainable cooking program, two trivia nights and more.

Of local interest in Central Massachusetts is an interactive webinar on April 22 at 12 noon that will cover public and sustainable transportation options in the Worcester area organized by the Medical School and the Worcester Regional Transit Authority (WRTA). To register for this event see:

Like to play  Kahoot? Then join Suzanne Wood, associate director for sustainability and campus services at UMass Chan, and other members of the University of Massachusetts Sustainability Council, for a lunch and play event, with a game of Kahoot and a Q&A session. Register to play here:

To browse the full schedule of Earth Week 2021 events (and for registration links) please see:

“Over this past year, we’ve all had to adapt our daily lives because of the global threat to public health. We need a similar level of community response to address the implications of climate change,” Smith said. “Participating in these Earth Week events is a great way for people to connect virtually, share ideas, learn and have fun in the process.”