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SPARC researcher Ekaterina Pivovarova receives UMass Center for Clinical & Translational Science Award for her proposal, Examining Attrition in Substance Abuse Treatment Through the Health-related Quality of Life Lens

Date Posted: Thursday, April 13, 2017

Ekaterina Pivovarova

SPARC researcher Ekaterina (Kate) Pivovarova was recently bestowed the University of Massachusetts Center for Clinical and Translational Science (UMCCTS) Clinical Research Scholar Award (KL2) for her proposal, Examining Attrition in Substance Abuse Treatment Through the Health-related Quality of Life Lens.  Kate is an Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at the UMass Chan Medical School.  She is being mentored by SPARC faculty members Chuck Lidz and Gina M. Vincent.

The specific aims of her project are:

  • To evaluate the applicability and feasibility of QOL measures in DTC populations,
  • To assess whether DTCs produce improvements in QOL, social support, and self-efficacy about drug and alcohol abstinence, and
  • To examine whether QOL can predict attrition from DTCs.

Learn more about Kate’s work here

A major goal of the UMCCTS is to develop and support the next generation of leaders in clinical and translational research. Success in today's complex and competitive environment requires training that is truly transdisciplinary in nature, encompassing the full spectrum of translational research from first-in-human studies to implementation science with additional continuous feedback to basic science research.

Training of investigators who will make a career of innovative, hypothesis-driven clinical and translational research is a top priority, and the Mentored Career Development (KL2) Training Program is designed to address this need. The KL2 Training Program will combine coursework, seminars, and mentored research.