Bridges to Health Information for Individuals with Serious Mental Illness

Title: Bridges to Health Information for Individuals with Serious Mental Illness

Co-PI’s: Kathleen Biebel, Ph.D., Elaine Martin, D.A.

Funding: NIH/NLM

Budget: $299,794

Time Frame: 4/1/2015 – 4/30/2018

In October 2015, the UMass Chan Medical School (UMass Chan) was awarded grant funding from the National Library of Medicine to transform the existing UMass Chan eMentalHealth web site into a dynamic, interactive, wide-reaching eHealth resource for individuals with SMI. The eMental Health Bridges project will promote health literacy by developing, testing, and implementing:

  1. eMH4me training modules to provide guidance for individuals with SMI on web-based information searching, judging source and site credibility, and interpreting data; and
  2. web site prototypes that will serve as a connection to essential physical health information for individuals living with SMI. eMental Health Bridges will embrace user experience and design accommodations required for individuals with SMI to benefit fully from eHealth resources.

Over a three-year period, the eMental Health Bridges project team will work closely with individuals with SMI at each stage of the redesign process. Specific aims of eMH Bridges include:

  1. Making strategic recommendations for eMH web site redesign including the eMH4me training modules and the eMH Bridges prototype;
  2. Conducting usability testing to develop fully functional web-based training modules and prototypes; and
  3. Conducting remote testing of the acceptability and feasibility of the eMH4me training modules and eMH Bridges prototypes. 

To learn more download:

eMental Health Bridges Project: A Web Site Development Project to Provide Needed Mental and Physical Health Information to People with Serious Mental Illness