Lifeline for Moms

MCPAP for Moms - is an internationally recognized statewide mental health service delivery approach that improves treatment rates and outcomes for perinatal mental health and substance use disorders. It has become a national model for perinatal mental health care, inspiring federal and state-level funding for additional Perinatal Psychiatry Access Programs across the US.

Lifeline for Moms National Network of Perinatal Psychiatry Access Programs - There are now 24 funded and operational Perinatal Psychiatry Access Programs in 21 US states with the potential to cover nearly 54% of the 3.7 million US births each year, in addition to two programs available across the US and one Ottawa-based program.

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists disseminates our practice-level approach for helping obstetric practices detect, assess, and treat perinatal mood and anxiety disorders.

Learn more about Lifeline for Moms