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  • Department of Opthalmology and Visual Sciences Faculty 2023.JPG

    Dr. Seddon and her colleagues in the Department of Opthalmology and Visual Sciences Faculty 2023

Research on Retinal Diseases

Our lab focuses on the genetic, epidemiological, and behavioral factors affecting macular degeneration and macular dystrophies and finding new therapies. We aim to identify the causes, prevention methods, and treatments for these diseases.

Our studies provide insights into why the diseases occur in some people and not others, why they progress to advanced stages amongst those affected, and how to prevent or delay its progression to reduce visual loss.

Our results have already been integrated into the current management of AMD patients and have also prompted the exploration of new therapeutic targets tailored to patients’ underlying genetic and lifestyle characteristics, which are being tested in clinical trials.

Seddon JM. Macular Degeneration Epidemiology: Nature-Nurture, Lifestyle Factors, Genetic Risk, and Gene-Environment Interactions – The Weisenfeld Award Lecture. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2017;58(14):6513-6528. 

Seddon JM, Rosner B. Validated Prediction Models for Macular Degeneration Progression and Predictors of Visual Acuity Loss Identify High-Risk Individuals. Am J Ophthalmol. 2019;198:223-261.

Macular Degeneration Center of Excellence

UMass Chan Medical School

Medical School Building, 3rd Floor (S3), rooms 119-123
55 Lake Avenue North, Worcester, MA, USA 01655

Contact Us

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To make a clinic appointment with Dr. Seddon in the Eye Center: