Constraining evolution and avoiding drug resistance.

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We combine a variety of experimental and computational techniques to understand the molecular basis of drug resistance and pay attention to the ways that the natural substrate specificity is maintained by the resistant viral variants. Our new paradigm of drug design minimizes chances of resistance.

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We've realized that through understanding the molecular mechanism by which the disease process occurs we could develop inhibitors that block the disease in such a way that the likelihood of resistance occurring is greatly reduced. 

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We combine a variety of experimental and computational techniques to understand the molecular basis of drug resistance. 

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We are a collaborative team of scientists dedicated to understanding and thwarting drug resistance.

Research Highlights

Structure of the catalytically active APOBEC3G bound to a DNA oligonucleotide inhibitor reveals tetrahedral geometry of the transition state

Maiti A, Hedger AK, Myint W, Balachandran V, Watts JK, Schiffer CA, Matsuo H. Nat Commun. 2022 

 oi: 10.1038/s41467-022-34752-1. PMID: 36402773; PMCID: PMC9675756.


Defining the substrate envelope of SARS-CoV-2 main protease to predict and avoid drug resistance

Shaqra AM, Zvornicanin SN, Huang QYJ, Lockbaum GJ, Knapp M, Tandeske L, Bakan DT, Flynn J, Bolon DNA, Moquin S, Dovala D, Kurt Yilmaz N, Schiffer CA. Nat Commun. 2022 

doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-31210-w. PMID: 35729165; PMCID: PMC9211792.

Quantitative structural analysis of influenza virus by cryo-electron tomography and convolutional neural networks

Qiuyu J. Huang, Kangkang Song, Chen Xu, Daniel N.A. Bolon, Jennifer P. Wang, Robert W. Finberg, Celia A. Schiffer, Mohan Somasundaran. Structure March 2022.
DOI:  10.1016/j.str.2022.02.014


Drug Design Strategies to Avoid Resistance in Direct-Acting Antivirals and Beyond

Matthew AN, Leidner F, Lockbaum GJ, Henes M, Zephyr J, Hou S, Rao DN, Timm J, Rusere LN, Ragland DA, Paulsen JL, Prachanronarong K, Soumana DI, Nalivaika EA, Kurt Yilmaz N, Ali A, Schiffer CA. Chem Rev. 2021  doi: 10.1021/acs.chemrev.0c00648. Epub 2021 Jan 7. PMID: 33410674; PMCID: PMC8126998.


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Molecular illustrations on this webpage were generated by Leonora Martínez-Núñez, PhD.