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The Recorded Home Oximetry (RHO) Program is an evidence-based, remote patient monitoring program that facilitates safe and effective weaning of home oxygen therapy (HOT) in premature infants. RHO provides objective data and is transmitted via Wi-Fi-enabled oximeters, allowing providers to assess oxygenation status and titrate oxygen between clinic visits.  

Utilization of RHO as standard protocol has increased HOT utilization, decreased neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) length of stay, decreased HOT duration, and decreased the incidence of adverse events while weaning. As a result, the RHO program promotes familial bonding and healthy neurodevelopment while decreasing parental stress.


Preterm infants

Currently, a third of preterm infants will
require home oxygen therapy after NICU

Including 60% of those born at gestational
ages 23-24 weeks

Home Oxygen Therapy

The use of Home Oxygen Therapy is
highly variable due to lack of consensus
based guidelines for safe



The RHO Program is modeled after the findings from the RHO Trial, which was the first multicenter, randomized control trial to evaluate any management strategy of home oxygen therapy in preterm infants


The RHO algorithm evaluates for target saturations in line with national guidelines and sets the first consensus-based guidelines utilized to wean oxygen in preterm infants  


The RHO Leadership team has the clinical, research, and administrative expertise and experience to successfully implement RHO as the standard practice across institutions nationwide


Decreased NICU length of stay
The RHO Program allows for early NICU discharge potentially reducing NICU length of stay by 19% because of a structured outpatient management strategy for weaning.

Shorter Home Oxygen DurationSince patient oxygenation status is monitored at a higher frequency, infants can wean off HOT more effectively without increase in adverse events.

Increased Parental Bonding
With earlier NICU discharge infants' LOS is reduced which may lead to increased bonding with family and improved neurodevelopmental outcomes.

Reduced Risk of Infection
The RHO program facilitates a means of telehealth which provides a contactless solution to triage and remote patient treatment.
Remote visits decrease the infection risk for this vulnerable population.

More Accessible Healthcare
Bi-weekly check-in’s with a healthcare team can help patients access high quality care quickly, regardless of geographic location to the medical center.


Reduced Costs
Reduce NICU admission length of stays for infants whose
last discharge delaying factor is an oxygen requirement.

Reduce patient readmissions and lengthy patient
stays by utilizing remote patient monitoring.

Reduce duration of home oxygen therapy.

New Telemedicine Programs
By showing widespread generalizability, the RHO
program provides an opportunity for new telemedicine
and remote patient monitoring programs to be
created in different patient cohorts.

Recovery of Lost Revenue
Remote patient monitoring and telehealth can help
to improve overall patient experience and the
appointment follow-up rate, reducing patient
attrition and no-shows.

Increase Preventative Medicine
With bi-weekly check-in’s the RHO program can prevent
and in real-time monitor respiratory illness or
other medical issues, and prevent them from
becoming larger expenses (reduce adverse event rate).