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  • What is Chronic Granulomatous Disease?

    What is Chronic Granulomatous Disease?

    Chronic granulomatous disease (CGD) is a rare inherited disorder of the immune system, characterized by a strong susceptibility to recurrent infections. CGD is caused by defects in NADPH oxidase, a critical enzyme complex that normally generates highly reactive molecules needed by white blood cells to kill bacteria and other harmful microbes


Research Strategies

Treatment of CGD has traditionally relied on aggressive prevention and control of infections with, for example, antibiotics, but does not serve as a curative treatment. Gene therapy offers a potential cure for CGD and is an area of focus for several researchers at the Li Weibo Institute for Rare Diseases Research. For example, the work in Dr. Newburger's lab has sought to understand white blood cell production and function, and how this can malfunction in rare hereditary disorders such as CGD. His work has contributed to the identification of genes responsible for CGD and currently aims to develop gene therapies in animal models of the disease.

Research on CGD has advanced also through the use of novel technologies, such as genome editing tools that allow scientists to remove, add, or modify genetic material. The labs of Drs. Sontheimer and Wolfe collaborate to develop and apply genome editing tools to repair genetic mutations associated with CGD. Collectively, these research strategies may identify new therapeutic targets and potentially bring curative therapies for CGD to clinical settings.


Gene expression in chronic granulomatous disease and interferon‐γ receptor‐deficient cells treated in vitro with interferon‐γ

Authors: Peter E. Newburger, Josias B. Frazão, Martino Colombo, Cedric Simillion, Adem Bilican, Irene Keller, Daniel Wüthrich, Zhiqing Zhu, Michal J. Okoniewski, Rémy Bruggmann, Antonio Condino‐Neto

Published in 2018 in Journal of Cellular Biochemistry

This study sought to identify differentially expressed genes, transcripts and exons in Epstein‐Barr virus–transformed B lymphocytes (B‐EBV) cells from CGD patients, IFN‐γ receptor deficiency patients, and normal controls, treated in vitro with IFN‐γ for 48 hours. The results show that IFN‐γ increased the expression of a diverse array of genes related to different cellular programs


Chronic Granulomatous Investigators

Peter E. Newburger, MD

Peter E. Newburger, MD

Professor of Pediatrics

Newburger Lab

Erik Sontheimer, PhD

Erik Sontheimer, PhD

Professor, RNA Therapeutics Institute

Sontheimer Lab

Scot Wolfe, PhD

Scot Wolfe, PhD

Professor of molecular, cell and cancer biology

Wolfe Lab

Clinical Trials

At the Li Weibo Institute for Rare Diseases Research, our researchers and clinicians are dedicated to finding new treatment options for patients. Our clinical trials program is another way we continue to advance treatments and make new discoveries. If you or someone you know may be interested in a clinical trial, please subscribe for updates and you will be notified when we open up a new trial.


Research That Gives Hope