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This month's Idea Board

Date Posted: Thursday, November 05, 2015


NAME(S): Gail Bernard, Martha Boyd  DATE: July 2015

What is the problem/waste? After installation of a new CT scanner, the procedure room changed to the 32 slice scanner. The area outside of the room did not have a privacy curtain for patients to be considered for procedures and for when the techs and radiologist need to go in and out of the door to the procedure room.

Why is this happening? Prior to installation of the new scanner we were doing procedures in another room where there was a curtain available.

Idea: Add a curtain to the new area for patient privacy

Date the idea was implemented: September 2015

NAME(S): Steve       DATE: 9/1/2015

What is the problem/waste? Staff needs to be on the same page for work load during rounds

Why is this happening? Not everyone knows the patients schedule 

Idea: Print out daily schedule for rounds

Date the idea was implemented: 9/1/2015

NAME(S): Ginny Rollins  DATE: 9/1/2015

What is the problem/waste? Dingy wall and ceiling tiles 

Idea: Request for new ceiling tiles and fresh paint on the walls to update overall appearance

Date the idea was implemented 9/1/2015

NAME(S): Gail Bernard  DATE: 9/2/2015

What is the problem/waste? We are using an IV starter kit to start IV's in CAT scan. Some of the staff were not using the tegaderm patch and tossing. The other items in the packet were already in stock on the shelves in CT.

Why is this happening? Staff felt the tegaderm was too thin and difficult to remove on elderly patients and pts with very thin skin. Some of the techs used tape instead as it is a bit firmer.

Idea: Discontinue the use of the packaged IV start kit and purchase items in bulk separately. Annualized cost YTD is $3408.00 and we expect a 50% cost savings when current supply is used up beginning October 2015.

Date the idea was implemented 9/2/2015

NAME(S): Lira   DATE: 7/6/2015

What is the problem/waste?  Not ordering enough supplies or too much

Why is it happening? No UST

Idea: Monitor for 2 months and see what is needed. Create list.

Date the idea was implemented: 9/7/2015

NAME(S): Steve/Hesham   DATE: 9/8/2015 

What is the problem/waste?  Poor start times

Why is it happening? Not knowing what's on the schedule for the next day

Idea: Have an afternoon rounds with mid-level and resource nurse

Date the idea was implemented: 9/9/2015

NAME(S): Marcia Amaral  DATE: 9/8/2015

What is the problem/waste? Volume increase is presenting a need for more than a part time receptionist

Idea: Promote a full time file room employee to a receptionist and train them. Move the part time receptionist to the main department in Radiology

Date the idea was implemented: 9/8/2015

NAME(S): Brenda McSherry      DATE: 9/9/2015

Idea: Nuclear Med Tech will perform daily hot lab floor cleaning instead of housekeeping to expedite end of day shutdown of department

Date the idea was implemented: 9/9/2015

NAME(S): Brenda McSherry     DATE: 9/10/2015

Idea: Post sign on exam room door during sensitive procedures or procedures that cannot be interrupted.

Date the idea was implemented: 9/10/2015

NAME(S): Donna S & Kara W       DATE: 9/21/2015

Idea 1: Update the radiology telephone list

Idea 2: Include "Return to Work" letter for outpatient procedures not needing to return to surgical admissions

Date the idea was implemented: 9/21/2015