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Dr. Darren Brennan Joins the UMass Team

Date Posted: Tuesday, March 03, 2015

 The Department is pleased to welcome Darren Brennan, MD as the Vice-Chair of Community Radiology  and the Chief of Radiology at Marlborough Hospital.  Dr. Brennan joins our team as UMass Memorial  Radiology begins to provide services at  Marlborough and Clinton Hospitals in a new community venture.    He started with the Department on February 1st and will be leading our efforts as we partner with  Marlborough and Clinton Hospitals.

 Dr. Brennan spent 10 years at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center , initially serving as an  abdominal/advanced abdominal fellow and later as a staff radiologist in the abdominal imaging section.  Two years ago, Dr. Brennan became the Chief of Radiology at Harrington Hospital (a BIDMC affiliate).When asked why he chose UMass Radiology, Dr. Brennan expressed that he shares the same clearly defined vision of community radiology as our Chairman, Dr. Rosen.  Dr.’s Rosen and Brennan met at the BI and equally understand the challenge of marrying the best of an academic enterprise with the best of the community hospital experience. 

Dr. Brennan will spend three days a week at Marlboro Hospital and says he will begin looking for areas to further develop existing services, as well as adding  new  radiology services lines. One of his goals is to create a framework that will align Radiology workflow, which will help to seamlessly  integrate Radiology services across all community sites and the medical center.  In addition, he is looking forward to implementing enterprise wide projects, such as a lung cancer screening program. 

Born and raised in Ireland, Dr. Brennan says, “Medicine is frequently congenital”.  His grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles and siblings are all doctors.  He and his wife have three young children that he anticipates to be the next line of doctors in the Brennan family tree.
