15th Annual Edward Smith Lecture

with the 15th Annual Edward Smith Lecture plaque
On June 16 we were delighted to welcome as the 15th Annual Edward Smith Lecturer, Dr. David McManus, professor and chair of the department of medicine and the Richard M. Haidack Professor in Medicine at UMass Chan Medical School. David McManus, MD, ScM is a clinical & research cardiologist and cardiac electrophysiologist. Dr. McManus served as the Department of Medicine’s Vice Chair for Clinical Affairs and principal investigator for Rapid Acceleration of Diagnostics (RADx grant) where he brought innovative ideas and strategies for testing amidst the coronavirus pandemic. He also helped lead the UMass Memorial Health (UMMH) redeployment of health professionals during the coronavirus crisis. Dr. McManus is the founding Editor-in-Chief of the Digital Cardiovascular Health Journal.
Dr. McManus's lecture was entitled “Digital Health: The Final Frontier or a New Hope?”
Edward H. Smith, M.D. Annual Lectureship
The Edward H. Smith, M.D. Annual Lectureship in Radiology at the UMass Chan Medical School has been established to honor Dr. Smith’s service over two decades as Chair of the Department. Dr. Smith’s vision for developing Radiology at UMass and his ability to attract and retain talented faculty created the foundations for the thriving Department we see today. In recognition of his leadership and dedication, this Lectureship will invite leaders of our specialty to share their clinical experience and scientific achievements. The lectureship is held as part of the annual radiology graduation activities.