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Marlborough Women's Imaging Center

Recently Dr. Shambhavi Venkataraman, Associate Division Chief of Breast Imaging, attended the public announcement and reception to introduce the new Women’s Imaging Center being built on the UMass Marlborough hospital campus. The session was very informative with the Mayor in attendance as well as many other people from the hospital board as well as the local business leaders. The Women's Imaging Center at Marlborough Hospital will be a 4,000 square foot facility, with dedicated parking and drop off access for patients. Services offered will include 3D mammography, Automated Breast Ultrasound System (ABUS), Breast ultrasound, Bone density testing, Sterotactic breast biopsy and ultrasound guided breast biopsy. This new center is being relocated from the current Southborough facility and will open in Fall 2020. Center Fact Sheet (PDF).

In the photo below Dr. Vekataraman, Paul Riggieri, AVP of Diagnostic Services and Dianne Miranda, Supervisor of Women's Imaging and Ultrasound services are standing by the architect’s sketch of the new center.  Dr. Sham says "Its going to be a stand alone Women’s imaging center and the layout is very impressive."

Marlborough Women's Imaging Center
Paul Riggieri, Dianne Miranda and Dr. Shambhavi Vekataraman