
breast conference- dr watkins and dr debenedectis shown

Every Wednesday, there is an interdisciplinary breast conference which reviews all new breast cancer diagnosis. At this conference the imaging findings, pathology and clinical plan for all newly diagnosed breast cancer cases are discussed. Members of medical and radiation oncology, radiology, pathology, surgery, genetics and behavioral health are present in addition to other alternating specialties and trainees.

Every other month we also hold our department’s Radiology-Pathology Correlation Conference. At this meeting, discordance in imaging finding and pathology results are discussed and cases with interesting and challenging imaging findings are also reviewed. This helps evolve possible algorithms for follow-up. We also hold quarterly Journal Club meetings as part of this conference as well as annual Equip meetings.

In addition, there are didactic monthly noon-conferences and case presentations for the residents and the breast imaging fellow is encouraged to attend all breast related noon conferences. The breast imaging fellow will also be assigned two noon conferences topics to present to the residents throughout the year.

Radiology Grand Rounds are held throughout the year with visiting and local professors offering the opportunity to meet and learn from leading national authorities on a wide variety of topics.

The Division strives to maintain a high quality of resident and fellowship education with stress on the six focus area outlined in the Clinical Learning Environment Review (CLER) program.