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    Biosensors. Wearables. Artificial intelligence. Machine learning.

    The future of medicine has arrived.

What is digital medicine?

The rise of software-driven connected technologies has created a fundamental shift in health data and information flows, and thus in the practice of medicine. Digital medicine describes the use of technology as a tool for measurement and intervention in the service of human health.


Digital medicine products are driven by high-quality hardware and software that support the practice of medicine broadly including treatment, recovery, disease prevention, and health promotion for individuals and across populations. Digital medicine can be used independently or in concert with pharmaceuticals, biologics, devices, or other products to optimize patient care and health outcomes. Digital medicine empowers patients and clinicians with intelligent and accessible tools to address a wide range of conditions through high-quality, safe, and data-driven interventions.

A hub for research, collaboration, and unparalleled digital medicine expertise

The UMass Chan Program in Digital Medicine’s mission is to improve the care of patients through the development, evaluation, and deployment of innovations in health technology. UMass PDM houses the combined subject matter, clinical, and research expertise in digital medicine of core faculty across the UMass ecosystem with the shared vision to develop technologies and digital health programs that benefit patients; evaluate them for in-patient/ambulatory/home-based care and deploy them within our health system; and assess impact via state-of-the-art implementation science. Our areas of excellence include:

Clinical Decision Support and Implementation Science

Development and integration of AI tools | Co-design of new digital medicine workflows | Patient and provider-centered design

Remote Monitoring and Mobile Health

Wearable technology and biosensors | Point-of-care diagnostics | Prescriptive surveillance

Pragmatic Digital Studies and Comparative Effectiveness

E-Cohorts & site-less studies | Democratizing trial participation through digital tools | Prioritization of “real world” health challenges and equity

The Program in Digital Medicine’s subject matter expertise spans artificial intelligence, machine learning, wearables, digital therapeutics, software-as-a-medical-device (SaMD), natural language processing, EMR abstraction, and much, much more.


A robust education and innovation ecosystem for clinicians and companies alike

The UMass Chan Program in Digital Medicine is a world-class innovation ecosystem that incubates research, ideas and inventions from our large network of faculty, trainees, and academic / industry partner. Our programs aim to incubate, accelerate and support visionaries in digital medicine at every stage.  


VISTA Pathway in Digital Medicine Entrepreneurship, Biotechnology and Innovation 


Fellowship in Digital Medicine


Incubation and Acceleration for Entrepreneurs and Companies

A powerful bridge between clinical and research enterprises

The UMass Chan Medical School Program in Digital Medicine and the UMass Memorial Health Center for Digital Health Solutions have a powerful synergistic relationship via a unique clinical research and care model which supports their shared vision. PDM serves as the ‘incubator’ of health technology products and capability development, providing rigorous and reproducible analysis and access to networks of experts and innovators, while CDHS is the ‘engine’ for the implementation of impactful health technologies, providing direct patient care and access to patient and institutional data.

 A bridge that shows the connection between Program in Digital Medicine and Center for Digital Health Solutions