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Welcome to the Division of Palliative Care

Palliative care helps people facing serious illness live better, feel more like themselves, and enjoy more of what’s important to them. As a supportive service, palliative care is most effective from the time of diagnosis and alongside disease-directed treatment. Research shows palliative care improves patients’ quality of life and helps them successfully receive life-prolonging treatments. If your doctor suggests palliative care, it’s an opportunity to get more support to treat your symptoms, help you and your caregivers cope with stress, and have an advocate in your corner.

Meet our Chief:

Jennifer Reidy, MD, MS, FAAHPMJennifer Reidy, MD, MS, FAAHPM
Chief, Division of Palliative Care, UMass Memorial Health
Program Director, UMass Palliative Medicine Fellowship
Associate Professor, UMass Chan Medical School 
Director, Junior Faculty Development Program / Equip Program

Read more about Dr. Reidy.


The Division of Palliative Care is committed to relieving suffering and enhancing quality of life for people living with serious illness in our diverse communities of Central Massachusetts through excellence in clinical care, service, teaching, and research.

Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Diversity icon Our division members are change agents for humanism in medicine and society. We strive to practice cultural humility and respect in patient care, teaching, mentoring and scholarly endeavors. We are working with local and state partners to co-design palliative care delivery at home and other community settings to improve access and better serve our diverse communities. We present at places of worship, libraries, senior centers, and other venues to listen and build relationships within our central Massachusetts community. Learn more.

Clinical Care

Doctor using a tablet Palliative care is focused on providing patients with relief from the symptoms, pain, and stress of a serious illness – whatever the diagnosis. The goal is to improve the quality of life for both the patient and their family. Palliative care is provided by our team of doctors, advanced practice providers, social workers, nurses, and a music therapist who work with a patient’s other doctors to provide an extra layer of support. Palliative care is appropriate at any stage of a serious illness and can be provided together with curative or life-prolonging treatment. Learn more.

Research and Quality Improvement

Image of a clipboard and stethoscope The Division of Palliative Care leads medical education and clinical research with colleagues inside and outside our institution. We are trained in quality science and oversee multidisciplinary projects to promote earlier access to palliative care, including for patients with stroke, heart failure, and cancer. We have designed and implemented better systems of documentation of serious illness conversations across settings of care. In addition, we track and analyze these conversations to promote best practices in aligning patients’ goals with their medical care. Learn more. 


Image of a medical student writing with a pen Our division is a leader in undergraduate, graduate and continuing medical, and nursing education. We present at grand rounds for multiple departments and at regional, national and international conferences. We tailor our curricula to meet the longitudinal and developmental needs of our students, residents, and fellows from a wide variety of specialties. As part of UMass Chan’s new Vista curriculum, we have required training for students in pain management, substance use disorder, palliative care, and serious illness communication. Learn more.