What are the responsibilities of the OEE student leader?

Roster Management

  • Submit the course enrollment roster at the beginning of the course; we suggest enrollment is collected at the end of the second session, as it is a better indicator of which students plan to participate in the full course.
  • Submit the Transcript Recognition form no later than two weeks after the course has ended. Students will not receive recognition on their transcript or MSPE if the Transcript Recognition list is not submitted.
  • Update changes to student leadership when appropriate. It is important that the student leader information is updated for communication purposes. Student leadership can be updated using the OEE renewed link on the OEE website by filling in the ‘student leadership update’ in the dropdown box.

of note

    • Student leaders receive recognition as leaders so should not be listed as attendees
    • Student names must be submitted as they are recorded in the Registrar’s office – i.e. no nicknames, shortened names, or misspelled names. Inaccurate name submission can lead to missing enrollment and transcript recognition.

Change Management

  • All updates must be submitted via the updating form 
    • Content changes (title, curriculum, evaluation) must be approved by the Electives Curriculum Committee (ECC)
      • note: syllabus date or time changes do not need to be reviewed. However, students should be notified of any changes in date or time.
    • Full updates must be submitted via the updating form annually or the OEE will be considered inactive
      • for Fall and Fall & Spring | due July 15
      • for Spring only | due November 16
    • OEEs that have not run for a year or more must be "re-reviewed" by the ECC, and are often considered NEW OEEs that require a full review by the ECC
  • Notify the OEE Team if the OEE was unable to run due to COVID restrictions

Click to view OEE Policies & Procedures  

updated JUNE 11 2024 | cjb