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AY2025-2026 FPE Capacity
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Navigate through the Capacity Form to add the number of students you are able to accommodate in each week listed (numbers only please!)
Thanks so much for offering your expertise to our Vista Exploration (3rd year) medical students!
With the transition to the Vista curriculum, FPEs is now offered in 48 weeks of the Explorations (3rd) year. The good news is you may now pick almost any week(s) in the academic year to teach a student. We expect that you will find 4-5 weeks that fit gracefully into your schedule. We hope you will still offer your experience at the same rate as you have in the past (5-9 times a year); you may select as many or as few as work for you.
Of note: You’ll remember that we cannot guarantee all slots will be filled, although we do expect slots to remain available once they’ve been advertised.