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Come meet the women of UMass Orthopedics

September 11, 2024 at 8:00 p.m. EST


Please e-mail Michelle Auger ( with which date you’d like to reserve a spot.

She will send a Zoom link once the date gets closer.


Welcome to the Orthopedic Surgery Residency Program at the UMass Chan T.H. Chan School of Medicine.  For more than forty years, we have a proud tradition of training outstanding orthopedic clinicians and leaders.  Our founding chair, Dr. Arthur Pappas, admitted the first patient to the new University of Massachusetts Medical Center in 1974.  UMASS Memorial Health is the dominant health care system in Central Massachusetts, and our institution includes a Level I trauma center, a children’s medical center, three main campuses and an ambulatory surgery center.

Under the guidance of Dr. David Ayers, our Chair from 2003 to 2022, the training program and the orthopedic department saw tremendous growth, with large increases in patients seen, surgical volume and research funding and productivity.

This summer, Dr. Michael Stauff assumed the role of Chair of the department.

Our program is fully accredited by the Residency Review Committee and the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education.  We have five residents per year, with four accepted into traditional five-year positions and one accepted into a six-year position which includes a year of research following internship.  There are two separate National Residency Match Program numbers.

Our intern year includes six months of orthopedics along with time spent on general surgery, trauma surgery, plastic surgery, vascular surgery, one surgical intensive care month and a month on the medical co-management service.  Our four years of orthopedic training are comprehensive with exposure to all orthopedic subspecialties.  All training is completed at UMASS Memorial Health, our clinical partner.

All residents are expected to complete a comprehensive publication-quality research project as a requirement for graduation.  A faculty committee guides this process starting in the PGY-2 year.  Residents are encouraged to present their research and are given the necessary time-off and financial support.

Our educational program consists of a two-year rotating didactic schedule with protected time on Friday mornings as well as daily trauma conferences, journal clubs, indication conferences, grand rounds and morbidity and mortality conferences.  Junior residents attend the AO Basic Course.  Senior residents attend the Academy meeting and Board review courses.

Diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging are essential components of the missions of the UMass Chan T.H. Chan School of Medicine and UMASS Memorial Health.  The UMASS Department of Orthopedics and Physical Rehabilitation and the UMASS Orthopedic Residency are committed to strengthening our department and residency through this mission.

We encourage you take a few minutes to look at our website and learn more about our program.  Please contact us if we can answer any questions or provide any additional information.  Our residency coordinator is Michelle Auger, 774-442-4262 or


Michael P. Stauff, MD                                                        
Chair, Department of Orthopedics and Physical Rehabilitation
Donna M. and Robert J. Manning Endowed Chair in Orthopedics
Associate Professor of Orthopedics
UMass Chan T.H. Chan School of Medicine           
Nicola A. DeAngelis, MD
Director, Orthopedic Residency Program
Associate Professor
UMass Chan T.H. Chan School of Medicine
