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Welcome to our Department!

Michael Stauff

Michael P. Stauff, MD
The Donna M. and Robert J. Manning Chair in Orthopedics


UMass Chan Medical School Department of Orthopedics and Physical Rehabilitation has a long-standing history of excellence in clinical care and in orthopedic training for residents, fellows and medical students.

Currently, our department is in a period of rapid expansion in both the volume and breadth of our
(1) clinical care;
(2) research; including clinical, translational, and basic science research; and
(3) surgical training.

To highlight our recent accomplishments:

Growth in clinical volume

•    Ambulatory visits have grown from 40,000 visits per year to over 100,000 visits per year
•    Surgical procedure growth from 5,000 per year to over 14,000 surgical procedures per year
•    The busiest level one trauma center in Massachusetts
•    More than 1200 total joint replacement surgeries annually through the Arthritis and Joint Replacement Center
•    Comprehensive Sports Medicine Center caring for professional athletes, as well as college and high school teams
•    Hand and Upper Extremity center providing comprehensive care of hand and UE disorders
•    Established Foot and Ankle Center providing comprehensive care by foot and ankle surgeons and podiatrists.
•    Orthopedic Oncology Care
•    Growth in surgical and non-surgical treatment of  Spine disorders through the Spine Center offered by team of surgical and non surgical providers
•    Pediatric Orthopedic care; part of the Children’s Medical Center
•    Orthopedic services available in three sites located in surrounding communities
•    State of the art digital diagnostic imaging

Growth in Research

More than $35 million in funded research, including NIH and investigator-initiated industry funded programs:
•    $1.7 million grant to develop 3-D printed resorbable shape memory tissue scaffolds
•    $6.3 

million grant to develop a patient OA Care Plan
•    $12 million grant to improve Joint Replacement Outcomes
•    Phase 1, 2, and 3 trials of device and medical interventions
•    $1.7 million NIAMS-funded intervention trial to improve patient outcomes following total knee replacement surgery
•    $1.8 million from NIAMS and $1.3 million from NIGMS to support synthetic musculoskeletal tissue graft and scaffolding laboratory
•    Orthopedist-basic scientist shared laboratories with the internationally acclaimed bone biologists in the UMass Chan Department of Cell Biology

Orthopedic Training

•    Five year full accreditation by the Orthopedic RRC in 2007 highlighting excellence in residency training
•    Weekly, inter-disciplinary didactic core lecture series
•    Fellowship training in hand, interventional physiatry, and sports medicine

•    Increase in residency program from 4 residents per year to 5 residents per year
•    Established Spine Fellowship with first fellowship to be offered in 2012

This website includes an overview of the programs that make the UMass Chan Department of Orthopedics and Physical Rehabilitation a dynamic environment that provides the foundation for an outstanding orthopedic training program.

Please contact us to learn more about the difference we are making regionally in patient care, as well as nationally and internationally through discovery and education.