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South Road garage expansion project to impact traffic

On Monday, June 22, construction activity for the South Road garage expansion project will begin to reconfigure the vehicle exit lanes and gates inside the South Road garage.

All traffic will continue to exit the garage via the existing South Road exit; however, as drivers approach the exit area, they will be directed around the construction activity by temporary signage and barriers.  

UMMS Public Safety will be on site to monitor traffic flow. 

When this phase of the work is completed (approximately mid-July), what had been an exit-only area will have three exit lanes and one new entry lane.  

This entrance and exit change is part of a five-story addition to the east side of the garage, which will begin this summer. The expansion will add 335 parking spaces to the garage. 

The garage expansion is associated with the new medical building now under construction on campus that will house the VA Central Western Massachusetts Healthcare System’s community-based outpatient clinic.

For more information on the project, visit: