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Welcome to the Division of Health Systems Science in the Department of Medicine

Health Systems Science is the study of how health care is delivered, including how health professionals collaborate and how the healthcare system can improve patient care and healthcare delivery - American Medical Association

Mission and vision

The Division of Health Systems Science fosters a collaborative research, education, and training environment that produces impactful healthcare delivery innovations to continuously improve population health, health care value, and the patient-provider experience. 

We seek to partner with learning health systems in the discovery, evaluation, and implementation of innovations that equitably improve health care delivery and health.



  • Our research is closely aligned with and conducted within local clinical systems.

  • We are embedded in the Department of Medicine, a robust department whose mission prioritizes the delivery of innovative and high-quality patient care. 

  • Our physician-investigators are members of the UMMH clinical system. 

Learn more.



  • We educate, train, and mentor clinicians.

  • Our faculty teach, train and mentor medical students, residents, and nursing students, as well as future researchers and leaders.

    Learn more.  

Resources and relationships

Resources and Relationships

Commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion

Diversity, Equity and InclusionThe Division of Health Systems Science is committed to providing a diverse, equitable, and inclusive environment for our faculty and staff. We are staunchly opposed to discrimination and racism in all forms.

As a division, we seek to identify, recruit, and support faculty and staff from diverse and historically underrepresented backgrounds. We strive to provide a community that is welcoming to all, and that encourages learning, mutual respect, and collaboration. We seek to foster a dynamic environment where research, education, and clinical care flourish, and are informed by our commitment to diversity and inclusiveness. The division actively participates in and supports other departments and community initiatives to foster an inclusive environment.  

Health Systems Science
365 Plantation Street, Biotech I, Suite 100
Worcester, MA 01605
Phone: (508) 856-3523