Advancing Evidence-based Practices in Legal and Forensic Mental Health Settings

Through leading forensic postdoctoral training, research, clinical practice, and public service  

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Our Expertise

The Law & Psychiatry Program is an interdisciplinary program focusing on the intersection of psychology and the law in public settings. We engage in research, implementation support, training, and forensic assessment with criminal-legal, forensic, and juvenile justice systems and their partners in Massachusetts and nationally.

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Forensic Training
We provide postdoctoral and other training for expertise in forensic evaluation and testimony  

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Forensic Mental Health
We conduct forensic evaluations (e.g., competence to stand trial, violence risk assessment) and train clinicians how to do the same

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Implementation Science
We use implementation science frameworks and methods to integrate and study evidence-based efforts in the real world

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Implementation Support
We provide comprehensive support and training for agencies to implement feasible procedural and policy changes and for screening, assessment, and case planning practices

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Reduce Racial Disparities
We research existing system disparities, assist with the implementation of structured decision-making strategies to reduce disparities, and provide practitioners with culturally informed training  

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We research the effectiveness of RNR and strategies that promote its fidelity and help agencies to enhance its implementation  

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Risk Screening & Assessment
We recommend, adapt or validate, and train on risk instruments for use at any legal decision point to meet the needs of our community partners.

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MAYSI-2 Helpdesk
Our MAYSI-2 Headquarters provides technical assistance, training, and research on the MAYSI-2 for any jurisdiction adopting it to identify potential behavioral health concerns

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Decision-Making with Research and Analysis
Valid screening and assessment strategies improve decision-making at various system points (e.g., diversion, pretrial, probation case management, reentry)

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Meet the Teams
Learn more about our Law & Psychiatry Program and meet the teams 

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Featured News
Read the latest news and happenings regarding our work

Highlighted Resources

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Risk Assessment in Juvenile Justice: A Guidebook for Implementation
National Youth Screening & Assessment Project
Vincent, Guy & Grisso - 2012  

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Juvenile Diversion Guidebook (2011)
Models for Change Juvenile Diversion Workgroup

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Mental Health Screening within Juvenile Justice: The Next Frontier (2008)
National Center for Mental Health and Juvenile Justice