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Our Mission

The UMass Chan Medical School Public Safety Department is committed to providing a safe and secure environment in which students, faculty, staff, patients and visitors can conduct their activities. The Department uses a community oriented philosophy, and our Officers patrol the University & adjacent roads 24 hours a day, seven days per week in cruisers, on foot and on bikes. All of our Police Officers are sworn under Massachusetts General Law Chapter 75. Section 32A, have the same law enforcement authority as Municipal Police, and are trained at Municipal Police Academies.

All visitors to UMass Chan Medical School campus
must be registered in advance by a host. Read more.

A message from the chief,

Our department exists to ensure the safety and security of all employees, students, patients and visitors who come to our campus each day. University police officers are available 24-7 and are based in the police station located on the main level of the South Road parking garage. We are here to serve you and we welcome your comments and suggestions with regard to public safety at our campus.

We are proud that criminal activity here is minimal, as statistics will show within this website, but as public safety professionals, we also realize that we must remain ever vigilant to maintain a safe campus. While University police officers actively work to prevent crime, members of the general public can help by always being alert, by taking notice of details if you ever witness a criminal activity, and by reporting that information immediately to Public Safety.

It is my sincere hope that your visit at the UMass Chan Medical School Campus will be a safe one.

Clanford L. Pierce, Jr.
Assistant Vice Chancellor, Chief of Police 

Self Defense for Women

University police officers teach the RAD: Rape Aggression Defense program on campus. The 12-hour course is designed specifically to empower women. It’s offered at no cost to members of the UMass Chan community.  Learn more and sign-up here.

Lost and Found

UMass Chan Department of Public Safety is the central collection point for lost and found items on campus. To report a lost item, or inquire if your items were turned in, call us at (508) 856-3296 or complete this form.

The UMass Chan Medical School
campus police station is located
in the South Road patient/visitors garage. 

The station is staffed 24-7.