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  • Pipeline for underRepresented Students in Medicine (PRISM), image of PRISM members

Pipeline for underRepresented Students in Medicine (PRISM)

Pipeline for underRepresented Students in Medicine (PRISM), image of a prism with a rainbow running through itThe McManus Lab at UMass Chan Medical School (UMass Chan) is pleased to announce the Pipeline for underRepresented Students in Medicine (PRISM) program. PRISM introduces undergraduate and post-graduate students from diverse backgrounds to clinical research and healthcare opportunities.

The program is a structured, non-credit, clinical research opportunity sponsored by Dr. David McManus and the Department of Medicine at UMass Chan. This pipeline program hopes to engage participants in state-of-the-art clinical research programs.

The fully-funded program requires a commitment of at least two years of employment postgraduation but can accommodate summer and shadowing experiences, too.

Program Goals

  • The program is designed to provide students with in-depth exposure to clinical research methods.
  • To address the current underrepresentation of minorities in medicine and healthcare professions.
  • Selected participants will receive mentoring, guidance, advice, and connections with Principal Investigators (PI), physicians, and researchers at UMass Chan.
  • Participants are eligible to receive a letter of recommendation from PI upon successful completion of the program.
  • Participants will be exposed to and gain patient interaction experience.
  • Participants may be assigned to clinical research projects based on interest and be immersed in cutting-edge clinical research opportunities. 

Eligibility Criteria

  • Must be highly motivated and interested in careers in medicine, healthcare, and biomedical research.
  • Must be willing to commit two years post-graduation to working in the lab.
  • Must be a recent college graduate or have bachelor’s degree.
  • Individuals historically underrepresented in STEM, health science and medicine are strongly encouraged to apply. Priority will be given to students that identify from one of the following underrepresented groups in STEM, health science and medicine:  Black/African Americans, Hispanic or Latinx, American Indian or Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian, and other Pacific Islanders.
  • Individuals first in their family to attend college, are also strongly encourage to apply.

Selection Criteria

  • Application is open to every rising senior/recent college graduate from a diverse background
  • The Program is available to several participants per term (depending on the turnover rate)
  • Screening Process

Application submission with supporting documents (Deadline: February), If selected, interview with program board members, Notify applicants about decisions (April), Selected applicants must accept or decline offer by May, Begin onboarding process and paperwork, Start program

Important Dates

The 2025 application season is now open. The deadline to apply is March 1, 2025.