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Part 2: Massachusetts League of Community Health Centers Training

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

This is the 2nd and final part of a 2 part blog post series on the training the CIPC has provided to the Massachusetts League of Community Health Centers (Mass League). In this blog post, Leslie Salas Karnes, Manager of Public Health Initiatives at Mass League shared her thoughts on the course.  

You can learn more about the Mass League trainings in part 1 of this article here. 

What has been the most helpful takeaway/component of these training sessions for staff? 

“The manner how the information has been shared has been helpful. Dr. Mullin uses examples to illustrate the message he is trying to convey. Also, the health center staff have stated that they like the ability to ask questions during the trainings have made it easier to understand the recommendations.”

Has there been a noticeable impact on patient experience and outcomes?  

“The trainings provided by CIPC can be used repeatedly to train staff. The recordings are available to the health center staff, and some have indicated that they are using them in their onboarding process.”

Why was CIPC a good fit for this training partnership? 

“The league conducted key informant interviews with 5 health centers which included BH, Primary Care, and QI staff, and they requested training for providers and staff on how to better administer depression screenings and to provide a training to make providers more comfortable in interpreting depression screening results. CIPC had the expertise to provide appropriate trainings that health centers requested.”