Biochemistry and Molecular Biotechnology Blog

Jessica Chrabasz

Saturday, June 01, 2024

Each month the BMB Department features a department member's unique story.

This month, Haley sat down with Jessica Chrabasz, a Research Associate in the Pryciak Lab (since 2021!). Read on to learn more about Jessica's life and the unique perspectives she brings to UMass Chan.

Where did you grow up?

I grew up not too far from here, in Sturbridge, Massachusetts.


What led you to a career in science?

I consider myself to be a naturally curious person and I’ve always enjoyed learning new things. I noticed myself getting the most excited about my science courses more than other subjects, so it felt right for me to pursue a career in science.


Why did you choose to come to UMass Chan and why did you choose to stay here?

I chose to come to UMass Chan because I knew it was a reputable institution that would allow me opportunities to grow in my professional career as a biomedical researcher. I chose to stay here because of the supportive community, collaborative environment, and passion for science that we have here.


How would you spend your time if you never had to work again in your life?

I would love to travel to every continent and experience as many ways of living as possible! I’d spend my time adventuring, learning, and sharing the wisdom I gain along the way.


Jessica's cat, Jasper.

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?

I don’t know- that’s why I need to travel! Probably somewhere near the ocean.


What is your favorite kitchen utensil?

An ice cream scoop… can you tell I have a sweet tooth?