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Join ViaFoundry Group

To begin using ViaFoundry Group services:

1.) Register for access to the HPCC (High Performance Computing Cluster). The registration form can be here. After it’s approved you will receive an email from the HPCC Admins group with your HPCC account user name.

2.) Visit the ViaFoundry Group website ( and create private and public keys in the SSH keys section.

  1. Click Profile Icon (at the top right) -> Click SSH Keys Tab -> Click Add SSH Key Button
  2. Enter any name for your SSH key.
  3. Click the "Create new keys" checkbox and click the "Generate Keys" button.
  4. Copy your public SSH key and click the "Submit" button

3.) Visit the HPC site and add SSH Keys to your account:

a. Add your public SSH key to the HPC site:

   Note: Please use your UMASS email as username and email password for login.

4.) In the Foundry website, Add a New Run environment for HPC

a.  Click Profile Icon (at the top right) -> Click Run Environments Tab -> Click Add Environment Button
b.  Choose the Profile Name "New UMASS SCI Cluster"
c.  Enter your HPC username
d.  Select your SSH Keys
e.  Click the "save changes" button.