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Facilities Engineering & Construction (FEC)

A lab is reconfigured for a new research program. Educational spaces are renovated and fitted out with new furnishings and the latest technologies. Several parking lots are resurfaced. With the dynamic and multifaceted missions at UMass Chan there is an ongoing need for renovation and reconfiguring of the built environment and for capital maintenance to keep the existing infrastructure in good working order.

To meet these needs, the FEC team executes approximately $10 million of engineering and construction projects in a typical year, guided by the campus master plan. On the FEC team are architects, project managers, electrical and mechanical engineers, CAD (computer aided design) specialists and support staff.

Any capital project in excess of $10,000 is handled through this office. The team helps school departments with initial design and estimates. Once a project is approved, the FEC team will develop the bidding documents, select contractors to do the work, and manage the project to maintain schedule and budget.

Campus Construction

Check out our construction projects page for status reports on current projects and a look ahead for what to expect in the next several months. Read more here


Recently Completed Projects

  • North-Road-reconstruction.png

    North Road Reconstruction