Biochemistry and Molecular Biotechnology Blog

Hannah Brown

Monday, July 01, 2024

Each month the BMB Department features a department member's unique story.

This month, Haley sat down with Hannah Brown, a Research Associate in the Ryder Lab . Read on to learn more about Hannah's life and the unique perspectives she brings to UMass Chan.

Where did you grow up?
I grew up in Leicester, Massachusetts. 

What led you to a career in science?
I became interested in a career in science in 7th grade, when we used light microscopes to look at things like water bears and euglena. I thought it was fun and interesting, so I chose to take higher level science classes in high school and then entered college with a major in Marine Biology.

Why did you choose to come to UMass Chan, and why did you choose to stay here?
I chose to come to UMass because it was super close to home and had a variety of labs all researching different things. I chose to stay here because the Ryder lab does extremely interesting research, and I’ve had a ton of opportunities to learn new techniques and answer some of my own research questions.

How would you spend your time if you never had to work again in your life?
If I never had to work again, I think I’d start a small farm and raise cows and quail. 

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
If I could live anywhere, I think I’d like to live in New Zealand.

What is your favorite kitchen utensil?
My favorite kitchen utensil is the humble wooden spoon.