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LCME 2004 Accreditation at the T.H. Chan School of Medicine

1.  When was the last time the T.H. Chan School of Medicine was accredited?
2.  What were the strengths cited by the LCME for the T.H. Chan School of Medicine's 2004 accreditation?
3.  What were the noncompliance issues cited in the 2004 accreditation?
4.  Were there transitional issues cited in the 2004 accreditation?

 When was the last time the T.H. Chan School of Medicine was accredited?
The T.H. Chan School of Medicine was previously accredited in the summer of 2004. In a snapshot, the results of the accreditation process were extremely positive. The medical school was fully accredited for an eight year cycle.

What were the strengths cited by the LCME for UMass Chan T.H. Chan School of Medicine’s 2004 accreditation?
• Chancellor/Dean Aaron Lazare has provided stable and effective campus leadership.
• There is a strong commitment throughout the institution to the educational goals of the school, excellent oversight of the educational program by the vice dean for undergraduate
     medical education, and clear recognition of educational contributions as criteria for faculty promotion.
• The research enterprise has grown substantially since the previous survey visit.
• Student satisfaction with their medical school experience is well above the national average.
• The collegiality of the faculty is remarkable, and positively impacts the ability of the school to enhance existing programs and manage the curriculum.
• The standardized patient program is nationally recognized for its excellence.



What were the noncompliance issues cited in the 2004 accreditation?
Four standards were found to be in partial or substantial non compliance, all of which have been fully addressed in follow up interim reports to the LCME.

IS-12 A medical school should be a component of a university offering other graduate and professional degree programs that contribute to the academic environment of the medical school.

Citation: The educational program in the Morningside Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences has undergone significant growth since 2001. Assessment of the graduate program has involved, to date, only informal oversight by the Dean.

ED-2 The objectives for clinical education must include quantified criteria for the types of patients (real or simulated), the level of student responsibility, and the appropriate clinical settings needed for the objectives to be met.

Citation: Most required third-year clerkships do not include quantified criteria for the types of patients, level of student responsibility, and appropriate clinical settings.

ED-25 Supervision of student learning, experiences must be provided throughout required clerkships by members of the medical school's faculty.

Citation: Some supervising physicians who provide teaching in the office-based community setting do not hold faculty appointments.

ER-7 A hospital or other clinical facility that serves as a major site for medical student education must have appropriate instructional facilities and information resources.

Citation: There are inadequate call room facilities for medical students on the surgery and internal medicine services at the University Hospital. 


Were there transitional issues cited in the 2004 accreditation?
LCME cited transitional issues relating to the campus modernization project all of which have been addressed including the introduction of additional teaching spaces. 
