Dr. Vincent to Present at the NIJ Research Conference Panel Presentation Sept. 17th

Date Posted: Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Gina NIJ National Research Conference photoLaw & Psychiatry Program Co-Director, Gina Vincent PhD, will be presenting at the NIJ 2024 National Research Conference "Advancing Justice Through Science" Sept. 16-18, 2024 in Pittsburg, PA.

Dr. Vincent will be giving an invited presentation in the panel presentation   Translating Evidence into Action track on Sept. 17th from 3:15 to 4:30 PM ET, which discusses our study NIJ Youth Protective Factor Study: Effective Supervision and Services Based on Risks, Strengths, and Development

About the presentation: "Data Practices to Improve Juvenile Justice: Promising Horizons and Practical Considerations".

Data is essential for understanding and improving the juvenile justice system, but efforts to improve data collection practices often encounter practical challenges. This panel will examine how changes to collecting and reporting juvenile justice data can affect system functioning and assessments as well as outcomes for youth. Panelists will explore barriers and strategies for new data collection activities and reporting. They will highlight: (1) a study that developed and piloted a brief intake risk-screening tool in six rural counties, (2) a study that worked with juvenile justice agencies in three states to improve service use data entry procedures to assess how supervision or service strategies reduce reoffending, and (3) practitioner experiences partnering with research teams to implement changes in their jurisdictions.