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Welcome to the Laboratory for Neuro-Analysis and Imaging (LANAI)

My broad interests are in MRI physics (pulse sequence development, optimization, and reconstruction techniques), neuroimaging (MR imaging of the brain) and medical image processing/segmentation from a clinical as well as a basic science point of view. I have two current foci of interest -

  • Development of new methods for visualization and segmentation of subcortical structures like the thalamus and claustrum and investigating their involvement in neurodegenerative and neuropsychiatric conditions (multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, schizophrenia, alcohol use disorder etc) as well as in healthy aging. We are investigating both structural changes as well as structural and functional connectivity changes involving thalamic nuclei and thalamo-cortical circuits in these conditions.
  • Development of  dynamic MRI methods and analyses for characterization of tumours (breast, prostate) and function (e.g. single kidney glomerular filtration rate) including methods that can help reduce use of Gadolinium contrast agents.

I have close collaborations with a number of researchers across the world interested in aspects of thalamic nuclei from neurosurgery (applications include deep brain stimulation surgery), neurology (disease progression in MS, AD, FTD, AUD, ALS), neuroscience (role of thalamus in disorders of consciousness), and neuroradiology (stroke).

Manoj Saranathan, PhD Professor Radiology UMass Chan Medical SchoolManoj Saranathan, PhD
Professor, Departments of Radiology (UMass Chan School of Medicine)
Neuroscience (Morningside Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences)
Co-director Image Processing and Analysis core
Co-director Advanced MRI Center core
Adjunct Professor, Biomedical Engineering, UMass Amherst​