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Hidradenitis Suppurativa Center – focusing on the Diagnosis and Treatment of HS while working for a Cure

The immune system dysfunction underlying HS is poorly understood and the devastating effects this disease has on quality of life disproportionately affect women and minorities, highlighting a critical health care gap. Our center aims to use basic, translational, and clinical research approaches to better understand the epithelial and immune defects underlying HS. Furthermore, our team of researchers are dedicated to developing and testing novel HS therapeutics.

What is Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS)?


Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) is a debilitating chronic inflammatory disease with substantial health and economic impact, affecting 1-4% of the U.S. population at an estimated annual direct health care cost of $63 billion. The immune system dysfunction underlying HS is poorly understood and its devastating effects on quality of life disproportionately affect women and minorities, highlighting a critical healthcare gap. HS manifests as painful abscesses, malodorous sinus tracts/fistulas, and tethering scars in apocrine-gland bearing skin. HS patients suffer high rates of depression and experience a significantly diminished quality of life (QoL). Existing therapies for HS fail to consistently remit disease, thus there remains a great unmet need for better treatments. The pathogenesis of HS is poorly understood but abnormal microbial colonization and aberrant T helper 17 (Th17) cell activation appear to be central to its development.

Meet the Directors


Dr. Whitley is co-director of the UMass Chan Hidradenitis Suppurativa Center. Her career goal is to accelerate development of more effective therapies for hidradenitis suppurativa (HS). She uses basic, translational, and clinical research approaches to better understand the epithelial and immune defects underlying HS, and leads a team of researchers dedicated to developing and testing novel HS therapeutics.

Learn more about Dr. Whitley


Jessica St. John is a dermatologist that co-directs the HS center along with Dr. Whitley. She specializes in HS, wound care, inpatient dermatology, and medical dermatology.

Learn more about Dr. St. John