Where can employees find the HR Department contact lists?

The HR Department contact lists can be found on the HR intranet in the “My Contact HR” section.

For help with the following HR areas, please contact the appropriate department:

Benefits: Benefits.UMMS@umassmed.edu
Compensation: Compensation@umassmed.edu
Compliance & Labor Relations: Compliance&LaborRelations@umassmed.edu
Employee Relations: EmployeeRelations@umassmed.edu
Employment Verification and Records: HR-DataGroup@umassmed.edu
FMLA / Leave of Absence: FMLA.UMMS@umassmed.edu
HR Communications and Website: HR.Communications@umassmed.edu
HR Data Group: HR-DataGroup@umassmed.edu
HR Information Systems: HRSysGroup@umassmed.edu
Immigration Services: Immigrationservices@umassmed.edu
Learning / Professional and Organizational Development: LandD@umassmed.edu
New Hires / Onboarding: Onboarding@umassmed.edu
Office of Well-BeingOWB@umassmed.edu 

Payroll: Payrollumms@umassmed.edu
Recruiting: Talent@umassmed.edu
Worker’s Compensation: Workerscomp.UMMS@umassmed.edu