Prohibition Statement

Academic Integrity Policy on AI and Similar Tools

The use of artificial intelligence tools (e.g., ChatGPT, Grammarly, DALL-E, etc.) in this course is prohibited unless explicitly authorized by the instructor. Students must not:

  1. Generate Content: Use AI tools to write, draft, or outline any portion of assignments, essays, presentations, or exams.
  2. Edit or Revise: Employ AI tools to edit or improve language, grammar, structure, or style of submissions.
  3. Consult for Ideas: Rely on AI to brainstorm, explore answers, or provide explanations for course-related topics.
  4. Repurpose Generated Material: Submit content created by AI tools, even if modified or reworded, as part of their own work.

Engaging in these activities violates the Morningside GSBS Honor Code, and will be treated as academic dishonesty. Violations may result in a failing grade for the assignment or course and may be reported for further disciplinary action.

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