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Disadvantaged populations not only face higher rates of mortality and disease, but also earlier age of onset than other groups, creating a mismatch between chronological age and biological age. Our research focuses on understanding how social determinants of health, including environmental stress, and interpersonal stress, lead to poor health outomes, with a focus on cardiovascular health and cognition.  

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About Dr. Forrester

Dr. Sarah Forrester is an Associate Professor in the Division of Epidemiology in the Department of Population and Quantitative Health Sciences. Her research is in two primary focus areas – 1. understanding and preventing poor health outcomes to improve the health of disadvantaged populations; and 2. how stress and biology interact to create poor health outcones. Dr. Forrester is particularly interested in social determinants of health due to structural differences and the effect of determinants on cardiovascular disease outcomes, cognitive function, and overall health in later life. 

More about Dr Sarah Forrester