Tuition & Fees Payment Methods

UMass Chan Medical School does not offer a payment plan for any program, full payment is required by the due date.

Out of Pocket

If paying out of pocket, please submit payment in one of the following ways:

  1. Pay online with a credit card via your PSCS self service portal.
  2. Mail a check (payable to UMass Chan Medical School) to the Bursar's Office.  Allow 7-10 days for delivery.  Please include the remittance stub from the bill and/or write student name on the memo section.  The Bursar's Office mailing address is:

UMass Chan Medical School
Attn: Bursar's Office, S1-802
55 Lake Ave North
Worcester, MA 01655

3. Call the Bursar's Office (508-856-2261 or 508-856-2248) to pay with a credit card over the phone; or
4. Stop by the Bursar's Office (Main Medical School Building S1-802, Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm) to submit cash/check/credit card payment in person. 

Please note:

  • Credit card payments are ONLY allowed up to the amount not covered by financial aid.
  • Overpayment is not accepted beyond the assessed tuition and fee amount each semester.
  • Electronic check payment option is not available.

Financial Aid (Loans and Scholarship - External and Institutional)

The Financial Aid Office handles all loan scholarship requests and applications.  Questions related to Cost of Attendance, loan/aid application, minimum enrollment requirement, or loan/award amount should be addressed to the Financial Aid Office.
Please note: While determining the federal direct loan amount that you want to borrow, please take into consideration the Origination Fee that the Federal loan agency deducts upfront from the gross amount, to ensure your net loan amount to be disbursed is enough to cover your bill. For any questions regarding Origination Fee, please reach out to the Financial Aid Office.

Students are required to complete all components of their loan and financial aid application by the due date established by the Financial Aid Office, which is before the tuition/fees bill due date.  Students not completing the financial aid application by the bill due date is subject to late payment fee assessment.

The Financial Aid Office normally disburses aid around the start of the semester, with disbursement dates also impacted by federal direct loan regulation and aid recipient's status of SAP (Satisfactory Academic Progress) provided by the school. Upon receiving disbursement rosters from the Financial Aid Office, the Bursar's Office posts the aid items to student accounts which are first applied to unpaid tuition and fee charges.

If aid disbursement is to be processed outside the normal schedule, students from any of the three schools need to work with the Financial Aid Office to resolve any issues related to the aid application.

If you are expecting a scholarship/award from an external organization other than UMass Chan Medical School:
  • Please notify both the Financial Aid Office and the Bursar's Office.
  • If the external organization needs an invoice sent to them before disbursing the funds (e.g., HRSA, the Army/Navy/Air Force, VA, National Guard, or any private entity), please reach out to the Bursar's Office as soon as possible.
  • Any outside scholarship/award should be sent to the Bursar's Office directly at:

UMass Chan Medical School
Attn: Bursar's Office, S1-802
55 Lake Ave North
Worcester, MA 01655

Tuition Credit

UMass Chan Medical School honors the below types of tuition credit. Eligible students are responsible for paying any balance not covered by tuition credit no later than the bill due date.

  • Employment related tuition credit for eligible UMass employees and their eligible spouse/dependent. (The MD program at T.H. Chan School of Medicine and the Pre-licensure (GEP) phase of programs at Tan Chingfen Graduate School of Nursing are excluded.)
  • Employment related tuition credit for eligible MA State employees and their eligible spouse/dependent (The MD program at T.H. Chan School of Medicine and the Pre-licensure (GEP) phase of programs at Tan Chingfen Graduate School of Nursing are excluded.)
  • Need-based tuition credit for T.H. Chan School of Medicine students (determined and administered by the Financial Aid Office)
  • Graduate Student tuition credit for Morningside School of Biomedical Sciences students
  • Categorical tuition credit (Veteran, Native American, Senior Citizen, active members of Armed Forces, MA National Guard Member)